Well it's certainly been awhile since I've been on this site, though mind you I used this site back in the day for looking at cheap animated porn because I was a pre-teen riddled with hormones. Haha good times.
Anyways, Hello there everyone! My name is Lisa Nani. I've been a Newgrounds user since 2006 and just recently thought that well FUCK IT! I am going to start using this site for more than just a porn hub to satisfy my lustful teen desires. Seeing how I am a complete n00b at actually posting things on this site I ask for your patience for I have yet to figure out the thing that is Newgrounds activity.
Firstly I will say that what you will see from me consists of art, short animations, voice acting and anything else creative I do that vents my insanity. For now I ask you all to hang tight for I will be starting (and later regretting) this.
LATER! Nurr~ (=^w^=)
I gave your dress-up game a pretty high score, but it's kinda simple, sooo if it should get blammed, it might just need music, backgrounds, maybe some interactive objects.
So are you in college, working, both?
Aww thank you so much! And yeah.. I was like in grade 11 when I made that dress-up game, Now that I know how the technology works I'll make a better one with backgrounds, music, the whole she-bang! :)
I'm actually in college right now pursuing animation as a career ^_^